Monday, June 3, 2013


By who's power does a shape shape
A single entity standing out in the landscape
Wondering what yonder light breaks
Who's identity must be made
A golden sun striving to kill the shade
Taking back the life that it once gave
Will anyone be left to save


Riddles here
Riddles there
A riddle for this
A riddle for that
A riddle in a cat
A riddle bit of fat
So riddle me now
And riddle me how
A riddle to pleasure
Or a riddle to sneeze

Dew Flower

A poem for me
A song for you
Whats a man to do
With a bag of tea
That boiled much to soon
A fiddle of this
A rattle of that
And a few more things that went a ratatatat

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Freewrite - Corporate Affairs

            I straightened my Italian suit and checked my tie against the metallic surface of the elevator. With a soft hiss the elevator rolled open its doors revealing the lands of my domain. Brushing a hand through my maim and hefting my suitcase I began the hunt. Prowling through the law firm I could hear the clicking of my hard leather shoes against the deep mahogany floors that lined my habitat. Stalking to my lair I passed the offices of my pride. The scent of fear permeated the air revealing the presence of “clients”.
            With a flick of the wrist I opened the door to my office. There, the optimum of pathetic sweated a man sitting uncomfortably in the chair facing my desk. He was in his late 40’s, receding hairline, beer belly, and nervous sad face matching the rest of his composure. Coming to me was his lucky day. I would have relished sinking my claws into him if his soon to be ex-wife had come to us instead. Maybe another day, with a sigh I stepped from behind the sweat balls chair to my desk. The quivering mass of masculinity that was my client started at the sight of me.
            Slapping my suitcase onto my marble topped desk and lounging back in my chair I prepared myself. This fool would ramble on and on about the problems of his own creation. I could let him prattle on till he got to the part where he begged me to fix all of his problems. The truth is all of their problems come to the same sad conclusion. They made their bed and now they want someone else to lie in it. Luckily this rodent was broken beyond most of my clients. Walking all over him would only bring him the comfort of familiarity. Pouncing on my chance to end the trivialities I began the hunt.
            “I understand this to be a trying time for you dear Mr. Richard, I want you to know that I it will be my greatest pleasure in helping you. Your wife won’t even know what hit her. The jury won’t even second guess who the better parent is. You will have full custody I can promise you”. By any means necessary. “I truly am sorry to run you so, but I have an important meeting soon. If you will simply go to the front desk Julia will take care of all the details.”
            He began to ramble on in protest futilely trying to regain my attention. A sharp glance sent the worm from my sight, limping out of the room with his wounded pride. The man had no chance without me and he knew it. So the hunt began. It shouldn’t be hard turning up something on the wife. After all she did marry a man like that.

Freewrite - Rain

Footsteps fell atop the gleaming liquid surface; pelting dark dirty shoes with newly formed pellets. The shoes were splattered anew by each reinforcing wave of droplets; speeding through the night on an important mission. Like shimmering angels flying down to earth bringing new life and healing shattered hearts.
            Angels washing through the hearts of the many cleansing away the dirt of the day. Each step through the healing hail would bring the spirit higher. The remnants of droplets below would sing out an immaculate chorus filling hopeful ears with joy. A joy that would be transposed through the wet pools into the soles of the passing man and women. A gift given unto men for the life of the world. If only the rain could stay longer.

Rules of Old

“Is it Fredrick or Steven perhaps?”
“No! No! No! Princess my name is none of those and low and behold the sun rises and your Childs fate is mine!” The little mankin chuckled out in giddily jumping about in his glee.
“Please, oh please don’t take my only child away. I couldn’t bear to live without him.” The princess began to plead.
“But without me and my weaving you would not have a head to bear this burden for you, and surely three days is enough time for a chance freely given to keep your son. And lo I call for recompose to be made and the child to be mine!” The small mankin shouted with an evident gleam of pleasure in his eyes.
“No! I wouldn’t let you take my baby away from me!” The princess yelled back at the mankin and began to scream for the guards of the castle.
“Rules older than you and I my pretty keep our covenant in check, and the choice is no longer yours to make!” Upon uttering these words the midget mankin jumped across the room snatching the infant from his cradle. With no more than a hip and hop the creature flew through the window and into the night with the child lightly tucked away under his arm. The only pursuit that dared to follow the man were the desperate cries of the wailing mother as the night engulfed the mankin and his new child.
In a room recently emptied the princess hung her head weeping softly. From here weeping a few soft words escaped her lips. “Come back to me son.”

“NO NO NO!!!!! We’ve trained better than that Gestapo!” the Mankin screamed at a young man who was presently crumpled over in pain.
“I’m sorry Rumple I didn’t see the third one coming.” Gestapo said as he slowly regained his feet. “I can do better, again!” He said gazing into the foreign green pupils of Rumpelstiltskin with his own deep auburn eyes. Gestapo stood to his full height of 6 feet and readied himself for the next assault.
With a wrinkling of his nose Rumpelstiltskin disappeared and in his place stood an armored knight geared out in the deadliest of weaponry. Without a moment of hesitation Gestapo ran towards the knight eyes closed focusing on the energy forming in his hand. With a leap of his muscled body Gestapo transversed the gap between himself and the knight and with an overhead slash pierced the knight straightway through the length of the knight’s body which promptly disappeared in a puff of green smoke.
Straightening into a combat crouch Gestapo scanned the tree line for his next opponent as his sword of solid green energy transposed itself fully into this realm and into the palm of his hand. Gestapo turned towards a rustling in the brush just as another knight erupted forth. Taking up a defensive stance Gestapo set his sword at a slant across his body. The knight rushed at him with the full weight of his armor dragging along with him. Gestapo was focused on the charging knight which was now but a few yards away from him. So focused that he didn’t hear the second knight until the impact hit him squarely in the back.
Immediately appearing over his pupil covered in the green smoke of the disintegrating knights Rumpelstiltskin dusted Gestapo off and began another lecture. “You’ll never win the tournament like that. You have to be agile and open your mind up to all your surroundings! The sun is going down so we are done for today, but come first light we will start again! The tournament is fast approaching and it is your destiny is to win!” Finally finishing his energetic tirade the mankin sprung through the surrounding woodland creating a path through the undergrowth for Gestapo to fall.
It was a short walk back to Rumpelstiltskin’s deceptive cabin in the depths of the woods. To any outsider it would appear as a run-down cabin that would hardly be able to serve as a resting place for the meanest of hermits. Inside however the magic of the mankin changed that reality into a fabrication. A rusted and creeping front door opened up into a sprawling hallway fit for a prince.
Gestapo had only ever known this life; Hard training from sun up until sundown a virtual prisoner of his father, Rumpelstiltskin. Ranging from the knights that he fought on a daily basis to practicing the arcane arts in the dark damp cavern that served as the cabin’s basement. Gestapo however was happy. Rumpelstiltskin fed him, clothed him, and sickness was but a myth that never sought to plague his life. It was all that Gestapo knew and it was all that he thought he needed, but there were still those nights when he lay in his bed looking up through his transparent rooftop at the stars that he would think of people. Others like him someone that he could talk to and feel understood, but that was a dream for another time in his life.
All of Gestapo’s training and the entirety of his life was leading up to one critical moment that was soon approaching. The Tournament. It was a gathering of all the creatures of the realm to fight for glory and honor. Well that’s what Gestapo would receive anyway. There was a prize that went to the winner a very special prize that Rumpelstiltskin dearly wanted and he would have it if there was anything that Gestapo could do about it.
So the days passed as they always have for Gestapo full of training and magic. The only change was the growing excitement that filled Gestapo’s being, and the growing agitation that Rumpelstiltskin had at the training of his son. This irritation grew and grew but it didn’t get out of control. Rumpelstiltskin couldn’t afford to lose this chance. This human that he had raised to win him his prize, his destiny! Azura’s Star!
Gestapo rushed into the coliseum his mind swirling with the things that he had just seen. People beyond count gathered together to watch the spectacle of the tournament. Race was not a factor in a place like this either the goblins mixed with the trolls and the moonkin ran freely around darting between the legs of the giant slithering Kashara. Gestapo had even seen other humans roaming through the crowd trying not to be trampled underneath the feet of the many other races that made up this once in a lifetime marriage.
The thoughts of humans we pushed from Gestapo’s mind as a swishing axe crashed down toward him. Dodging only by reflex the axe came close enough to Gestapo’s hair that he would need a new hair cut to make up the difference after the fight. The orc behind the axe lumbered forward intent on squishing his prey with his huge meaty hands. Gestapo stepped inside the orc’s guard past his grasping hands and brought up his materializing sword into the orc’s gut in the space of a second.
Then the real danger set in. The orc’s body crumpled onto Gestapo crushing him in a literal full body death grip. The air in Gestapo’s lungs flew away from him on impact with the ground, and the orc’s knife hilt dug into Gestapo’s chest crushing him all the further. Looking upward Gestapo could see his father running toward him with an outstretched hand. A hand that spat forth a ball of green fire. The fire engulfed the body of the orc and left Gestapo free to breath freely again released from that tremendous weight.
Without a word Rumpelstiltskin helped the boy up and pointed him toward the exit trying to rush him off the floor. Still catching his breath though the progress was slow and the next match wouldn’t wait for them. As such they were passed by one of the next contestants. He was a human, or he appeared too appeared to be at the very least. Which was surprising to Gestapo Rumpelstiltskin has told him the he was the only human alive that would be strong enough and brave enough to show his face inside a ring of this caliber.
The man strode forward unrelentingly with a gait that would put any thyrian to shame. He was clad in the armor of the holy paladins of Sharadon god of truth and justice. So enthralled was I by this newcomers appearance that I didn’t heard the charging of the giant kashara. It’s four heads snapping in an alternating pattern yearing for the flesh of the young paladin. One swing. That’s all it took for the paladin to fell the beast. With a mace the size of a small child and the speed that no eye could follow the paladin smashed through the remaining heads of the beast. It was only a matter of second but the battle was already over and the paladin was striding straight towards me.
Stunningly he knelt at my feet “Prince Thelio the gods have gifted me with a vision of your highness and this place I knew it was only a matter of time before I found you.” What was this man saying? “Your parents have been searching for you ever since the day of your kidnapping and I have been sent to….” A ball of green fire hit the paladin squarely in the chest engulfing him in a inferno that completely covered his form. Rumpelstiltskin hopped into my vision next to the ball of still burning green fire.
“Silly little humans always making up stories! I’m glad I trained you well enough to not fall for such mindless blabbering! There was no way that the mankin ever saw the mace coming. With a thud he hit the ground a splattering of his former self, and in his place stood the paladin unharmed. Engulfed in a shining shield of light that must have warded off the mankin’s magic. I was stocked with the turn of events and my body locked up against my will.
My training fled my mind as the paladin picked me up like a bag of corn and threw me over his shoulder. “Your safe now I’ll take you to your parents straight way.” My mind couldn’t even follow his logic. I was being abducted by the man that had just killed my father! He was taking me to a strange place to meet “my parents”. I hated him and I could feel my hate rising for my so called parents. Rumpelstiltskin had taught me well and I would have his revenge

Monday, May 27, 2013

Love Hidden in the Eye

It was only 3rd period, but there was no class that I hated more than Miss Clara’s class. To fully understand how terrible this class is you have to know Clara; she was a woman weighing 270 that was 73 years old. On a normal day Clara would eat her second lunch of the day and read her latest romance novel behind desk while the chaos swept through the class. Understandably then I can say that she is too lazy to try and keep her classes in line, and even if she were to try she is in no shape to stop anyone from doing whatever the hell they wanted.
The only thing for me to do in that class try and keep my head down and stay out of trouble, but that was a mean feat with Jonny in my class. Jonny took a special pleasure in making my life miserable. Not because he had anything against me; it was just because he knew that he could get away with it and no one would stop him.
With a combination of Jonny and Clara that class was the bane of my existence, but neither of them could keep me here. The bell rang and I was out the door in a flash. To a finish off this horrid day and this hell hole of a school. Hopefully I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be accosted in the hallway that would make my day a little bit better.
I scanning the halls hoping to find at least a few people that I didn’t completely hate. Alas everyone was walking the same way as I was so that everyone’s faces were obscured from my vision. Except for one girl I had never seen her before, and I couldn’t really bring myself to care. She was slender with silky brown hair that ran at length down her back. By happenstance I chanced upon her eyes in my mindless roving. In a burst of satin desire the walls crumbled into dust around me. The former embodiments of my hatred slipped away like vapor into the wind, and I was left alone; with her.
                It was a place of dreams that set my heart beating at a rate that I could barely contain. I was in a place inside her eyes. A place submerged in a lake of liquid emerald sparkling in the perfect light of this magical place. These suns I glanced in passing pulled me further in promising eternity and demanding my worship. I stood transfixed in her beauty trying to withstand her calling, but who was I to deny the call of such a deity that had travelled from afar into my heart.
                My breath caught. It wasn’t just my wishful thinking; the cores of my religion were growing with each step that she took toward me. Further into those liquid pools I fell. The inner graces of persona washed over me and filled me with a longing that burned me like the blue tip of the flame. This longing ran through me burning away all my regret and hatred; she was changing me in a way that I couldn’t possibly grasp with my unworthy mind. At the deepest point of her eyes, I found myself a place inside her soul. In this place I underwent the final stages of my transformation; I was transformed into a being that resided in this world through the power of love.
                I stood there in awestruck wonder; entrapped in her love I tried to open my mouth to ask her but the favor of her name. No words could escape my gaping mouth as my goddess passed me by without a hint that she was aware of my existence. Those eyes held with me though. I knew that they would haunt my dreams even as they burned my soul with desire. Lucky for me, she was as trapped as I was in this glorious place called school. This gave me the chance to lose myself in those eyes again.